Local Election Results Announced

Local officer election results were announced at the November Membership meeting. The results were as follows: Executive Board President: Joseph Blanco (Acclimation) Executive Vice President: Jeff Hayes (Acclimation)
Secretary/ Treasure: James "Jay" McVey (Acclimation) 1st VP: Thomas Gebken (Acclimation) 2nd VP: John "JT" Eales (Acclimation) 3rd VP: Steven Flanders (165 votes winner with %53 of the vote) Chief Stewards (All by Acclimation) Jason Woodruff Joe Quinn James "Drew" Garrison Bryan Harrel Douglas Schulz Jeff Hodges Cynthia Williamson Billy Gillenwater Charlie Beaven Randy Wheat Finance Committee (3 and 1 alternate) Jeff Mitchell (254 votes) Tim Anderson (245 votes) John Gerken (223 votes) David Wade (Alternate 211 votes) Election Committee (All by Acclimation) Jeramie Brown Angie Brammer