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D6 Election Kickoff Video

We are entering one of the most important general election cycles of our lifetimes. We have a critical opportunity to re-create the political landscape to the benefit of working people across the country and specifically within states that make-up District 6.

CWA District 6 will be at the forefront of mobilizing our members to get out the vote for pro-labor candidates within numerous federal and state electoral races. For that reason, I want to invite you and your members to participate in CWA District 6’s “Election Kick-off” on August 27, 2020, at 6 pm to energize our members to participate in election work.

The “Election Kick-off” will be a 20-minute virtual event over Zoom where I and District 6 staff will give an overview of top priority electoral races along with laying out our district-wide political program for the general election cycle. We will also introduce our newly appointed D6 Legislative-Political State Coordinators who will be assisting locals in executing our political program throughout the District.

Immediately following the Election Kick-off virtual event, members will be making phone calls to other CWA members asking them to support CWA endorsed candidates.

To attend, please RSVP at the link below. If you or any of your members can phone bank, please let us know via the RSVP form. Members must submit the RSVP form in order to receive the link to attend the virtual Election Kickoff event and to phone bank. This virtual Election Kick-off event will be video only; there will not be a call-in number.

Click here to RSVP to the Election Kickoff and phone bank on August 27, 2020 at 6 pm.

I look forward to your attendance at CWA D6’s 2020 Election Kick-off.

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