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CWA National PRO Act Phone Bank

CWA National PRO Act Phone Bank

Tomorrow, June 17th, 5pm CT

On Thursday, June, 17th at 5pm Central Time, CWA is hosting a national phone bank to urge U.S. Senators to pass the Protect the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act). The PRO Act would drastically improve our ability to organize and bargain for stronger contracts along with giving more workers the tools they need to build power and improve working conditions. CWA members across the country will be making calls to mobilize pressure on U.S. Senators to pass the PRO Act. RSVP here to attend:

The PRO Act has already passed the U.S. House of Representatives in early March on a bipartisan vote of 225-206. Now, our work must focus on urging our Senators to support the PRO Act and overcome Senate Republicans and their current ability to filibuster the legislation. President Biden has publicly stated that he will sign the PRO Act into law if the bill passes the Senate. It is crucially important that you and your fellow CWA members participate in the National PRO Act Phone Bank so that we can take full advantage of this historic opportunity to expand the power of working people to levels not seen in generations and beyond!

We need your help to recruit volunteers for the National PRO Act Phone Bank!

To make CWA's National PRO Act Phone Bank a success, we need your help to recruit other CWA members in your local to participate. Please share this email and the RSVP link: ( ) with members in your local. Once again, we have a historic opportunity to pass the PRO Act into law. But we will not get there unless CWA locals and members across the country are actively involved in pressuring the U.S. Senate to pass the PRO Act. Please share this information and RSVP link with other CWA members in your local and urge them to participate.


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